Friday 20 May 2016

Students begin an exciting journey discovering stories from WW1 which echo across the century

A generous grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund HLF will give hundreds of students across London a wonderful opportunity to go behind the scenes in the supply chain to WW1 discovering stories of those who made what was needed at the Front. Saddles, playing cards, biscuit tins, ambulances and aeroplanes, postcards and posters, field kitchens, spectacles and ships - all the objects they study will be heritage items linked to the trades and industries represented by the Livery Companies of the City of London. The journey across 11 schools will make its way finally to a symbol of peace. 

Livery Schools Link are proud to announce that the first stage of the project is now underway at a school in South London where 20 students are working with Heritage Artist Jane Churchill to create their own artistic response to what they are learning about the glasses soldiers wore, how they were made, how they felt, what it might have been like when glasses were lost or damaged. In a series of workshops, they will create an exhibition for their school and their community to inspire others to think about the heritage of WW1 through the history of the Livery trades. 

Learning how to create your own response

At the BOA Museum, College of Optometrists

Students will be encouraged to tune in to the emotional effect of the war on those who were in the UK designing and supplying equipment for the troops while suffering their own personal stories of loss and separation. Inspired by Jane Churchill's work, students will learn artistic techniques and how to curate their work to share their findings with others.

But what are Livery Companies? The original trade associations in London, responsible for training and standards, they are still involved in their trades and professions today. The Saddlers' Company does back to 1160 and the Information Technologists Company was established in 2000 as the 100th Livery Company. Here is a link to find out more. Livery Companies of the City of London

Over the next year, as our project unfolds, we will share our discoveries and look forward to the final "Reveal" exhibition at the Guildhall Art Gallery next April.

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